best Halloween costumes for kids

Top 7 Best Halloween Costumes for Kids which are Fun and Spooky

The spookiest holiday of the year is almost here. Things are about to get pretty Haunted! Halloween is creeping around the corner like a mischievous green Grinch. Over a few decades, this costume party trend is so inn and now Halloween is the best time to slay the fashion game with bizarre costumes and crazy getups.

Do you remember, in your childhood, you would have gotten dressed up as the Churel from Makri or even Crime Master Gogo! But now it’s time for your kids to steal the show. But the question is, “How should I dress my child for this Halloween?” Although, there are a zillion other scary and funny costumes for today’s kids, but it gets pretty difficult to pick one.

You get to be as scary as Maleficent or even as pretty as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. The night of 30th October is all about going crazy with funky makeup dos and treacherous costumes for Trick or Treating! Here, we have some of the best Halloween costumes for Kids! Deck up your little ones for the Darkest evening of the year.

It’s Time To Say BOOH! 👻

1. A Fairy in a Tulle Dress with Ruffles

Your girl would never say never to Disney Fairy theme. Try a fairy look dress with ruffles. The attire should have flower appliques sewn along the front. Outright surreal for a little girl! The colorful frill work on the outside is known as tulle, it creates a fluffy fairy skirt on top of it. So Cinderella!

Halloween costume for kids

FYI, Fairy Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids is absolutely incomplete without wings! Pair an Angle Wing to her attire and a Tiara on her head! Give it a touch-up with a messy hairdo and lip gloss. That’s an ANGEL look! You can also have a built in (low heat) led string light on tulle to give her a shiny, bright and vibrant costume. 

2. Bloodthirsty Vampire Costume for Kids

Boys like things to be rough and more scary!

Did you call for Count Dracula? Or is it A-Count Dracula? Make your boy wear the scariest Vampire costume for Halloween. You should already know this but a Dracula Halloween costume idea for Kids has to have a White Silk Shirt. That looks best with Black Trousers, and Tuxedo with a red bow tie!

Halloween costume for kids

And, to sum up the entire look, it has to have a Black cloak-style Cape! He is the villain of the Night Sky and he should have a pale white face with blood dripping down from his mouth. Let makeup do wonders! And, do not forget to sleek up the hair with shining gel. Innocent eyes but scary face!!

3. Crazy Harley Quinn and Joker Attire for Halloween

“Mama’s Gonna Paint The Streets With Blood ” That’s how wild Harley Quinn and Joker are! The entire style of Joker and Harley Quinn is vibrant, colorful, and definitely perfect for Halloween costume ideas for kids. When it’s about dressing up as Joker, you need a white shirt, black trousers, blue bow-tie, and a classic green hair wig!

Halloween costume for kids

While Harley Quinn is the crazier one! Half of her costume is red while the other half is blue. It’s not just her costume, the wig is the same way. To amp up the final Halloween glow, put a baseball bat in her hand. She is going to slay like Harley!

4. Dreadful Devil Costume for Kids

The devil is the king of hell and everything evil. Such Halloween Looks for Kids are outright unholy and definitely praiseworthy! You need a red dress, black angel wings, a pointed triangular tail and a trident to seal the deal! It’s a pretty easy costume to make! DUH!

Halloween costume for kids

Such a Devilish Diva look would never go wrong! This is the exact opposite of a divine Halloween Look for Kids and the makeup has to be a mixture of black and red. Just make sure you have added black horns to the hairstyle.

5. Scary Cruella Deville Halloween Costume

She is as evil as the night and the most fashionable Disney villain too! Her iconic white and black hair is stunning for Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids. Firstly, you need a LBD or a little black dress for the entire look and then a fur coat.

Halloween costume for kids

This fur coat is everything for the look. It is a statement coat in white with black fur spots similar to a Dalmatian’s skin. And, to set the look right put a white and black wig with bold red lipstick and a small black mole! That’s Cruella Deville! 👿

6. Halloween Witch and Wizard Costume

There is an evil witch and wizard at a Halloween Kids’s Party! This is a spooky Halloween Costume for Kids that has three essential elements- a pointed hat, a broomstick, and a rugged cloak. That’s your Witch and the best Halloween costumes for kids!

Halloween Witch and Wizard Costume

While a Wizard costume needs another scary element to the outfit. A long white beard with mustaches and white eyebrows too! Certainly, a look that Dumbledore wore in the Harry Potter Movies. Put on a face of green paint and that’s truly frightening.

7. Frightening Anabelle Doll’s Costume

TBH, Conjuring movies spooked the hell out of everyone. And, Anabelle is the scariest occult element in that film and is perfect for the best Halloween costumes for kids. If you don’t know, Anabelle is a scary possessed doll in a satin white dress and plated hair. Goosebumps!

Halloween costume for kids

Do you know what the most frightening element about the Anabelle Halloween looks for Kids is? It’s the terrifying doll’s eyes and red ribbons. I’m spooked out myself and just imagine a child wearing the exact same combination for their Halloween costume ideas for kids, I’m totally terrified of it! 

Wooh!!! Got you!!

Well, these were some of the most convincing yet terrifying Halloween costume ideas for kids. It’s how to complete the costume style and do the makeup. Halloween looks for kids are all about presenting the look in the right pattern.

Although you can customize the looks at your convenience, try to keep the resemblance. We would suggest going with dress styles and options from the inspiration itself. The best Halloween costumes for kids are the ones that are well-adapted and properly executed. 

We can’t just settle for an option and l wear the best Halloween costumes for kids. It has to be executed the right way, starting with the elements, makeup, and accessories. Last but not least you can always find such amazing best Halloween costume ideas for kids on gintaa

We have a variety of costume ideas starting from the most exquisite fairy dresses to the best teddy outfits. Get the best Halloween costumes for kids and dress up as the most haunting participant of a Halloween Bash.